NYC Public Advocate Responds To The Supreme Court Ruling In Favor Of Gun Violence

June 23rd, 2022

Press Release

"Last year, the United States saw more gun deaths than any other year in our history. Last month, gun violence stole the lives of ten people in a Buffalo supermarket. Nineteen children were massacred in a Texas school. This week in Harlem, nine people were shot and one killed in a mass shooting that has become so frequent it barely made headlines.

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"The Supreme Court’s answer to this crisis is to make it easier to conceal and carry a gun, to arm oneself with the constant threat of violence and pain. To bring more hidden weapons to our streets, subways, and schools all under the guise of safety and self defense. The Supreme Court places our country’s demonic obsession with guns, paired with conservative ideology, ahead of the over 40,000 lives that will be lost this year in our country to gun violence.

"This is not well-regulated. It is irresponsible, illogical, and immoral.

"We cannot let this conservative, counterintuitive ruling deter us from what we know works to address the epidemic of gun violence. In addition to moving quickly to resource community violence initiatives on a city level and pass federal legislation, the state legislature should immediately be called back into session to pass legislation addressing this ruling before the iron pipeline can burst and flood our city and state with more weaponry and preventable death."

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