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NYC Public Advocate Responds To The Unionization Victory For Amazon Workers On Staten Island

April 1st, 2022

Press Release

"This victory marks a momentous occasion in the history of the worker justice movement and in the lives of the Amazon workers at JFK8, who have today won recognition as a union in their ongoing effort to secure better workplace protections, higher wages, and true job security.

"In the face of the aggressive, expensive, union-busting effort that Amazon has engaged in, I’m inspired by the workers who refused to be intimidated. Who continued to organize, to vote, to demand what they deserve. I’m honored to have spoken with them, stood with them, and today, to celebrate with them.

"Throughout the decades we have seen workers facing terrible injustices, and we have seen the tactics employed by corporations to maintain the status quo. But we have also seen, again and again, that workers, united, will prevail.

"The opportunity to unionize, to organize, to build worker power is essential. I hope that the results of today’s election on Staten Island, and the victories that this first-in-the-nation union will fight to secure in the coming months, serve as a message and as a model for working people across the city, state, and country about the power and possibility of organizing for worker justice."

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