NYC Public Advocate's Statement On The Governor Enacting The "Less Is More Act"

September 17th, 2021

Press Release

"I thank the Governor for enacting and expediting the Less Is More Act, as calls from advocates and elected officials amplified the cries for relief that have long echoed from Rikers Island.

"This is an important component of the decarceration strategy that is critical to alleviating the crisis conditions on Rikers, but it is only one step of the many that must be taken, and the pace of action is far too slow for the immediacy of this human rights disaster. We need the city to grant low-level offenders supervised release, and early and compassionate release options should be exercised. Prosecutors and judges must quickly prioritize alternatives to incarceration, and staff must return to work with their safety as a priority. I ask again that the Mayor and Governor see this emergency in person, so that they can understand the urgency and scope of the disaster relief that is needed for those who are incarcerated or working on Rikers Island."

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