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NYC Public Advocate's Statement On Mayor Adams Vetoing Policing Transparency Bill

January 19th, 2024

Press Release

"With this veto, the mayor is threatening New Yorkers’ safety to advance his own ideological and personal political agenda. Either he is vetoing the bill without reading it, or he has been deliberately deceiving people to scare New Yorkers and justify his dangerous choice. I’m angered by his selfishness.

"Mayor Adams isn’t just following in the footsteps of Rudy Giuliani and Michael Bloomberg, he is going further into the wrong side of history. He is threatening New Yorkers’ safety to protect his ego.

"Transparency in policing should not be a point of conflict or confrontation, it should be a shared goal and basis for conversation. This is a basic reporting bill, rooted in what the NYPD is already required to do, and yet the mayor has engaged in the most flagrant misinformation campaign I have seen from any administration in my time in office, misleading both the public and the police. Through simple reporting on NYPD stops, we can prevent the kinds of bias-based policing we’ve seen in the past, build trust in often over-policed areas, and continue the work that began a decade ago amid the height of the abuses of Stop, Question, and Frisk. This isn’t preventing police work, this is police work. The mayor is opposing a bill that doesn’t exist, and perpetuating harm against the Black and Brown communities he claims to speak for. 

"When the City Council overrides this veto, hopefully the administration will move forward to faithfully execute the legislation instead of sabotaging it and hurting public safety."

Read the full text of  Intro. 586-A.

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