"It’s incomprehensible and indefensible that the mayor is using his veto power to make housing less affordable and accessible to New Yorkers. Eliminating the 90-day rule is crucial, but it is far from the only measure needed to address the housing and homelessness crisis, and the mayor’s previous executive action was not only insufficient, but regressive.
"The administration can either continue to spend money failing to address the housing crisis, or spend it moving people into permanent housing. Passage of the City Council package represented major progress, and the mayor is deliberately moving us backward.
"Half of New York City’s families are unable to afford minimum expenses, the state has failed to provide support, and the administration-appointed Rent Guidelines Board again increased already historically high rents. I urge the City Council to vote to override the mayor’s vetoes, and truly stand with the low and middle-income New Yorkers the mayor claims to support with this action."
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