NYC Public Advocate's Statement On The 10th Anniversary Of Eric Garner's Death

July 17th, 2024

Press Release

"Ten years ago this afternoon, Eric Garner was killed by Officer Daniel Pantaleo on a Staten Island street corner and on camera. In remembering Eric’s death, we honor his life as a father, son, husband, and a beloved member of our New York community whose life was needlessly taken by law enforcement.

"His last words, ‘I can’t breathe,' have become a rallying cry for justice, accountability, and reform, a refrain echoed in the wake of George Floyd’s death six years later, one which still resounds today. We should use this moment of reflection to examine the progress made since 2014 as well as the ongoing injustices we continue to face and fight. 

"Yesterday Mayor Adams said he hoped there would be ‘no Eric Garner situation’ under his administration. But just months ago, Win Rozario was killed by the NYPD, and justice was denied to the family of Kawaski Trawick. At the start of this year, the mayor vetoed our law which can help prevent encounters like Eric Garner’s from escalating, and attempted to convince the public that police transparency makes people less safe. These ‘situations’ will continue to happen as the city not only attempts to prevent better policing, but retreats from the progress of the last decade.

"I want to offer continued condolences and gratitude to Gwen Carr and the Garner family, who have turned their pain into purpose. They have shown immense strength and resilience in the face of profound loss, and I’m proud to be alongside them in the movement for lasting change and true justice. We cannot wait another day, let alone a decade, to make the changes that will prevent future tragedies."

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