NYC Public Advocate's Statement On The FY25 Executive Budget

April 24th, 2024

Press Release

"I’m glad that many of the administration’s previous, misguided cuts have been removed in this budget, though this seems to be less a result of good management now than of bad budgeting in the past. And still, many cuts remain, seemingly without fiscal justification, given the still-too-low projections from an administration which has already been mistaken.

“The administration’s conservative approach to budgeting seems more ideological than financial. Putting the first available money into additional NYPD officers shows a misunderstanding of true public safety – without commensurate, adequate increase for non-police response such as mental health– and a prioritization of headcount over accountability.  The reported removal of CCRB Chair Arva Rice, if true, is further proof of this troubling trend: The administration would rather reduce accountability and remove dissent than focus on properly funding oversight agencies like the CCRB or the Board of Correction. I urge the City Council to fight for funding where it will best serve our communities. Increasing enforcement at the expense of accountability will have a real and lasting cost to the safety of New Yorkers.”

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