NYC Public Advocate's Statement On The Supreme Court Enabling Discrimination Against Lgbtq+ Individuals

June 30th, 2023

Press Release

"A day after ignoring and exacerbating our country’s systems of discrimination with regards to race, the Court has further permitted and ingrained discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. This ruling is a dangerous, regressive attack on the LGBTQ+ community, one which places the right to discriminate over the rights to love, and to exist. 

"Freedoms of faith and speech are not an excuse for inflicting targeted harm on people who have faced sustained bigotry and violence by the mere fact of their identity. The Court has now permitted laws to be made based on religious extremism and otherism that only inflicts harm.

"As Pride Month comes to an end, the conservative attacks on LGBTQ+ communities continue in legislative chambers and courts across the country, up to the highest levels. With many in this country intent on stripping away rights and protections in the name of protecting the status quo, systems of oppression, and powers in place, historically marginalized groups must stand together to protect the cause of justice and all who are denied it."

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