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Public Advocate Responds To State Agreement On Cannabis Legalization

March 25th, 2021

Press Release

"This deal is the result of not months, but years of work by legislators, and years more by advocates. Now, it appears that we may finally overcome the well-documented reluctance of the Governor and the disingenuous opposition from people and industries who benefit from the criminalization of communities of more color. As we await the final bill language, the legalization agreement as described reflects a commitment to addressing and undoing that harm by investing revenue from the new industry into the communities disproportionately impacted by decades of disparate policing, and expunging the records of those whose lives were ruined by a marijuana-related conviction.

"With the final budget deadline looming, this is not a time to relax or back down. We must continue to push to ensure that when the final passage is complete, and as the law is implemented, marijuana legalization means true marijuana justice."

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