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Williams' Statement In Celebration Of Rosh Hashanah

September 18th, 2020

Press Release

"I would like to wish a happy and sweet new year to all in the Jewish community who will begin celebrating Rosh Hashanah this evening - Shana Tova U'Metukah!

Rosh Hashanah is a time for reflection and renewal, as the sound of the shofar provides us with an opportunity and a reminder to practice Teshuva. After a year that has seen too much turmoil and suffering, this is a time to begin anew, and to reflect on and emulate the best we have seen in each other throughout this unprecedented time. By exemplifying that spirit, we may become our best selves and be sealed in the Book of Life.

"May the year 5781 be one of  prosperity and peace for our families, friends, and communities. While we may celebrate its beginning apart, I wish a gut gebentsht yohr, a good and blessed year, to all."

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