Williams' Statement On The Earthquake In Haiti

August 14th, 2021

Press Release

"The people of Haiti, who have already suffered so much pain and trauma in the last weeks, months and years, are once again reeling in the wake of a devastating natural disaster. My appreciation and respect for the Haitian people and culture runs as deep as the diaspora's roots here in New York City. I offer my prayers for peace and comfort to the families of those who have lost their lives, and to everyone in Les Cayes, in Jeremie, on the island and throughout the diaspora still waiting for information on their loved ones as so many lives and livelihoods have been destroyed.

"Together with our prayers, we must provide sustained support. In the past, people  and nations have rushed to Haiti's aid in the immediate moment of crisis, when the headlines are fresh and the cameras are present, only to abandon them in the aftermath and invite future crises. Just five weeks ago the President of Haiti was assassinated, and while that upheaval is ongoing, the world's attention has not been. This cycle cannot continue. We must come together today, yes, but stay together through recovery and rebuilding. L'Union fait la force."

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