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Williams' Statement In Observance Of Labor Day

September 6th, 2021

Press Release

"Today we recognize and celebrate laborers, working people, and the movements driven by working people throughout our history, whether in centuries past or in recent years. From the 40 hour work week, to minimum wages, to paid sick leave, progress has been driven and demanded by working people organizing together, unionizing, to build power. We celebrate victories won, values championed, and work well done.

"Ordinarily in New York City, we would also be celebrating the West Indian Day Parade out on the Parkway, honoring Caribbean heritage in the largest annual gathering our city sees. Of course this year, that celebration has been altered in size, scope, and execution as we continue to do all that we can keep each other safe as the Delta variant circulates. As someone who has proudly taken to the Parkway for decades, I understand both the desire to celebrate and the imperative to do so safely. I urge New Yorkers to to bring the spirit of the parade, if not the sights and sounds, to their own smaller celebrations.

"This Labor Day, I'm thinking about the essential workers who have put themselves at risk over the last year and a half to keep us safe and combat this pandemic. We owe it to them, to each other, to honor that work and sacrifice by getting vaccinated, adhering to CDC guidelines, and staying safe in celebration today."

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