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Williams' Statement On New Ibo Report Showing False Assumptions In Administration’s Cost Estimate Of Cityfheps Laws

January 8th, 2024

Press Release

“Expanding access to CityFHEPS housing vouchers has been a necessary step in addressing our city’s mounting homelessness crisis. It’s an issue the Council recognized and quickly acted on, and an issue that the administration has resisted then demonstrably disseminated false information about—as apparent through today’s IBO findings.

“As hundreds of new New Yorkers arrive daily to our city, I hope the administration reverses course and understands the fiscal prudence and moral necessity of CityFHEPS vouchers in light of our homelessness crisis. And as the Governor delivers her State of the State address tomorrow, I urge her to build on the progress the City Council has made by embracing the Housing Access Voucher Program, which would further help move people out of temporary shelters and into permanent homes, regardless of immigration status.”

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